Celebrate The Season:


Stories by Allen Morgan

Art by Vladyana Krykorka

Six stories - 72 pages

The Night The Glacier Came (part 5)



So Whoooosh! and Whoooosh! The Windman blew, he flew Megan high in the cold night sky to where the Dragon was sleeping nearby to the growing moon. The Dragon smelled the apples right away, he woke in a flash and he snapped them up and he swallowed them down, bowl and all.

"You really should have asked me first," Megan told him.

"I know," said the Dragon and he looked quite ashamed. "But I'm feeling so hungry. The moon is still growing and I haven't had a bite in weeks."

Tears welled up in the Dragon's eyes and his stomach growled even louder than his voice. Megan was sure he was telling the truth, so she scratched him a bit behind his ears to let him know she didn't mind that he'd eaten the apples up. Then she told him all about the icy Glacier that was moving toward the town below.

"Can you stop it?" she asked the Dragon.

"If I had some more apples I might."

"Lots of apples," Megan agreed and the Dragon smiled contentedly.

"Now?" he asked her hopefully.

"After," said Megan. "There isn't time for apples now. The Glacier will roll into town any minute."

"Promise about the apples?"


So the Dragon unfolded his majestic wings and Megan hopped onto his back. He flew straight down to the town below as fast as he could fly. He was just in time. The Glacier was heading for the downtown core and the noise it made was a terrible roar.


But the Dragon didn't seem to care at all and he wasn't the least bit scared. He landed in front of the Glacier's wall and roared a loud noise right back.


The Dragon took a great long breath. Smoke curled out from his massive nose as he eyed the Glacier dangerously. Then he opened his jaws. A tremendous ball of fire emerged. Again and again the Dragon used his fiery breath, and the smoke that escaped each time he blew made clouds throughout the sky.


The Glacier stopped its grinding advance. It shook and it rumbled and trembled all over and then all at once it started back. It melted back up the avenue, back through the airport and off to the hills, away from the town just as fast as it could. The Dragon flew with it as it withdrew, breathing out smoke and throwing out fire, and it wasn't very long before the Glacier was entirely gone. All that was left to mark its stay was a few sheets of ice and some stray chunks of snow that had somehow escaped the Dragon's breath. And all the airplanes on the airport runways, all the streetlights and post boxes too, everything that had been covered up by the Glacier's ice were melted back out without a scratch and looked just as good as new.

continue on to part six of The Night The Glacier Came

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