Celebrate The Season:


Stories by Allen Morgan

Art by Vladyana Krykorka

Six stories - 72 pages

The Dragon Who Ate The Moon (part 5)


Megan laughed and clapped her hands to see the moon so round and free and shining so brightly again. Then she remembered the Dragon. She looked back at him and frowned.

"That should teach you a lesson," she told him. "The moon is for everyone, not just for you."

The Dragon woke up as Megan spoke and he blinked in surprise and alarm. Megan was small, but she seemed a bit fierce and she looked like she might do some harm.

"Where did you come from?" he grumbled at her in a rumbly way in hopes she'd get scared and perhaps run away. But Megan didn't look frightened at all and she seemed quite inclined to stay.

"I didn't come from anywhere. I've always been right here," she told him.

The Dragon sighed and decided not to press the point, at least not with her. And besides he was getting the strangest feeling he wasn't that full any more. Where was the moon? Where had it gone if it wasn't still there in his belly? He looked up and saw it back high in the sky, and all at once he realized he was very, very hungry.

"I'll just have to eat it all over again," he said.

He spread his wings and got ready to fly. But Megan was already ready for him and she had a good song all prepared.


Megan's song worked perfectly. It charmed the Dragon the very same way her sleeping song did. He tucked his wings back against his sides, but his stomach was empty with nothing inside. It started to growl and the Dragon cried.


"I'm so very hungry!" he told Megan sadly.

"I can't let you eat the moon," she explained. "It would make the night too dark."

" I have to eat something," the Dragon moaned. "My appetite is very large."

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