
The Kids From B.A.D.

Stories by Allen Morgan

detective story collection

no illustrations

six stories - 128 pages

The Case Of The Missing Bike (part 4)


The Barton Avenue Detectives were off and rolling, but they didn't have much luck right away. John and Mike were the first to report back for lunch.

"Anything happen?" John asked Mike.

"I saw a dog tipping over garbage cans in Mrs. Campbell's back yard," Mike told him. "I didn't get his tag number or anything but I know who it was. Bentley."

"But that's Ben's dog," said John.

"Yeah," said Mike. "So I guess we don't press charges. Did you see anything?"

"Nothing," said John with disgust. "Might as well get started on the food. This detective work makes me hungry."

They were just starting on their second sandwich when Ben arrived. "I broke up a fight," he announced as he grabbed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Big fight. It was pretty rough."

"Yeah?" said John, looking hopeful. "Seems like we got in on a little action after all and saved the cops some time and work. Breaking up a fight isn't easy."

"You're telling me," said Ben. "Chrissy kicked me in the shins and his friend grabbed my arm and..."

"Chrissy?" said Mike. "Chrissy your brother?"

"That's right," said Ben. "His friend was the tough one though..."

"But Chrissy's only four," John broke in.

"Four-and-a-half," corrected Ben. "His friend's only three but he was the one who bit me on the arm. This detective stuff is dangerous, let me tell you. But Chrissy and his friend stopped the fight pretty quick when I showed them my detective badge. They thought I was going to arrest them or something."

Mike rolled his eyes in disgust. John shook his head.

"Well, didn't you?" he asked Ben.

"Arrest him?" said Ben. "Are you kidding? He's my own brother. I couldn't arrest him, my mom'd kill me. I just told him that if he didn't stop fighting I'd cream him."

The detectives ate in silence for a while.

"Some detectives we are," Mike said finally. "A garbage dog and a couple of little squirts. Big deal."

"Maybe Sally got something," said Ben as he ate.

"I bet she struck out just like us," said John.

But he was wrong about that. When Sally came running up the porch steps a few minutes later she had big news.


continue on to part five of Missing Bike story

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