Celebrate The Season:


Stories by Allen Morgan

Art by Vladyana Krykorka

Seven stories - 76 pages

The Leaves That Wouldn't Fall (part 4)


The leaves were very curious to hear a song from some magic trees. They rustled very encouragingly, so Megan and Michael began to sing:


And when they all shouted out "n-n-n-NOW!" Fall rapped the tree with his Magic Tree stick and Michael and Megan threw all their leaves up into the air and began their dance. They moved all through the falling leaves and the dance that they weaved was a spiky one that was full of sharp shapes like the pointy parts of the leaves they threw. Their bodies swayed like the trunks of trees and their legs moved around like the roots underground. They sang the song over and over again and whenever they got to the part where they shouted, they picked up more leaves and they threw them about.

Little by little, what do you know, a few of the leaves overhead let go! One by one, two by two, then threes and fours, then more and more and more of the leaves jumped away from the tree. And when the dancing was finally done, a lot of leaves were down on the ground, and a whole bunch more were still in the air enjoying the carefree freefall. So in the end it didn't take Michael and Megan long to find some very fine leaves they could wear in their hair when they went trick-or-treating.


continue on to part five of The Leaves That Wouldn't Fall

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